
Finding the Best Hosting Provider Part 2

Finding the Best Hosting Provider Part 2 Web Hosting Don'ts ( Read the Part 1 of this article here ) Avoid these hosting mistakes at all cost or face the consequences! Choosing a Host On Price Alone: Do not chose a web host based only on their pricing. Their are many cheap hosting providers and with most you get what you pay for. Very little. If the price you are quoted seems to good to be true, it probably is. Expect to pay at least .50 cents for every gigabyte of bandwith for average reliability and three or four times that if you want high quality hosting. Purchasing Hosting from an Auction Site: Not that you will not find good hosting from an auction site, but the chances aren't good. Especially if the company does not even operate a web site to market their services. Trusting Customer Testimonials: Most testimonials simply can't be trusted. If the web host lists contact information and the web site of the testimonials listed they may be trustworthy, but the majori...

Finding the Best Hosting Provider Part 1

Finding the Best Hosting Provider Part 1 Looking for a new hosting provider ? Here's some great advice on what to look for and what to avoid. Web Hosting Dos Follow these guidelines and you will have a better chance of finding a reliable hosting solution. Research: Spend time reading what others have to say about the hosting companies you are looking at. Read reviews and investigate into the history of the company. How long have they been in business? What data centers are they located in? How many customers do they have and do they have enough employees to support them? These are all questions you should know before choosing a web host. Contact Support: Contact your potential hosts and ask them a few simple questions about their service. The main goal is to gauge their response time and the quality of their reply. Know Your Requirements: You may WANT gigs of space and bandwidth, but do you really NEED them. If not, do not waste money paying for bandwidth an...